Ready to Suddenly Reach Your Goals?

For this week’s Feature Friday I am joined by Dr. Veronica Anderson. She is has 7 great tips to help you stop getting in your own way and start reaching the goals you’ve been dreaming of. This is especially relevant as we are reading the midway point of the year and you may be reflect on your initial goals set back in January. If you didn’t catch it back in January, I did a post on goal setting and included a goal setting freebie and 1 hour long workshop. You can check that out that here. Ready to jump in?

Forget writing a list of pros and cons to reach your goals and be on the right path in life. Switch from the left brain analysis into the right brain intuition of what feels right and follow that path! 

How to Get Started

  • How do you stop the overthinking and over-analyzing? 
  • How do you get past the fear of being “wrong”? 
  • How do you begin to follow what is exactly right for you and stop listening to the plans that others have made for your life?

Find your Blind Spots

First, for anything that follows to work, you have to be at the point that you are tired of not knowing what to do and surrender to the following idea – how you have been figuring out life needs a shift. In other words, acknowledge that you haven’t been reaching your goals with your health, career or relationships because there is a blind spot. 

Think about this way. If you can’t see, do you always know? Sure, notice a huge blurry area, so you must go to the eye doctor to get a correct diagnosis and“treat” your blurred vision. Once you have clarity, the direction to get where you want to go, to fill in the gap from where you are to where you want to be, will shrink dramatically. This is easy when it’s obvious. But sometimes it’s such a small area you don’t realize you can’t see it. That’s where this comes in.

Identify your Purpose

Before you set goals, you must be clear on your purpose. YOUR purpose. Not the purpose that your parents or spouse or society set for you. The purpose that is deep inside of you that you cannot ignore any longer.

Finding your purpose, calling, or mission requires some soul searching. It may be something that seemed unrealistic, silly, or childish at one time. But, allow yourself to consider all things, without judging them as good/bad or right/wrong. For example, a love for dolls as a child may transfer to making or designing doll clothes as a hobby. Can you imagine being the visionary for American Girl Doll brand and store? 

7 Steps to Clarity

Loosen up your brain letting go of overthinking and let it explore for now without the reality checks. Follow these strategies to get started. 

  1. Slow down. Rest your body, mind, and soul.
  2. Immerse yourself in the present moment. Take in your environment and focus on your senses.
  3. Become aware of the things that make you smile.
    1. Movies and books that resonate with you deeply 
    2. People who inspire you 
    3. Things that bring you joy 
    4. What you loved to do as a child 
    5. Things that make you forget – make time stand still
  4. Remember the things that make you angry.
    1. Injustices that push your buttons 
    2. Policies that make you want to scream 
    3. Social challenges that break your heart and make you furious
  5. Allow yourself to explore your memories.
    1. What did you love to do before you got too busy/tired/old/broke to enjoy it?
    2. Recall the wrongs you wanted to right and the problems you wanted to solve.
  6. Make time.
    1. Prioritize and embrace things that make time stand still and/or energize you to take action.
  7. Do something. Move toward your purpose, no matter how small the action.
    1. Make a call. 
    2. Attend a meeting. 
    3. Do online research. 
    4. Start an online group. 
    5. Ignite the fire

Understand the power of intention and emotion. As you walk on the path stepping into the possibilities of  your life’s purpose. The goals that are right for you will come into view and be easily reached. 

You’re now wondering in your head “Is this the key? It seems silly and simple.”

Go back to the beginning and ask yourself, “Has what I’ve been doing gotten me the exact results that I want?  With my health, money, career or relationships? Do I even know exactly what I am looking for or why I want that?” Get out of your head and go to your heart with this process.

Human Design

One technique I use with my clients to get out of their head and into their heart is by helping  them understand their unique innate strategy for decision-making and problem solving with Human Design. Just like we all have physical DNA that we are born with that informs how we approach our health, we were also born with spiritual DNA. 

Human Design brings together the natal chart of astrology, i ching, kabbalah and the chakra system. These types of tools and assessments are often left out especially in Westernized conventional healthcare. But many hunger to know their life purpose including the meaning behind life’s problems such as illnesses and injuries and colossal “failures” in other areas of life. These tools don’t need to replace your conventional approach, but instead, augment and supplement in a way to provide new insight and clarity.

You owe it to yourself to do these 7 powerful steps to gain clarity on your purpose so you can easily set and reach your goals. Are you ready to get started?

Dr. Veronica Anderson began her medical career as an Eye Surgeon after graduating from Princeton University and Rutgers Medical School with honors. She has the distinction of being both a licensed physician and a practicing psychic. Dr. Veronica  is an Integrative Medicine Physician, certified in Functional Medicine and trained in homeopathy. She is also the best selling author of 3 books.

In her programs, Dr. Veronica uses her gifts and talents to help people with strange, rare, and peculiar health issues who feel like they just haven’t gotten proper answers or relief from the traditional healthcare system.

Her Intuitive “Rejuvenation Journey” programs guide people to wellness by, not only working on the physical aspects of health  but also through unlocking and clearing the  emotional, spiritual, and energetic triggers of disease, as well as its root causes.

Dr. Veronica hosted her own podcast and AM radio show for several years and has appeared on national television including CNN and Fox News Network  as well as multiple syndicated radio shows and podcasts.She is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do lives in Harlem, New York with her husband and two dogs, Artemis and Apollo.

What to learn more about Dr. Anderson?
Her Website

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